Celebrity chef Carla Hall dishes about space food.
On stage in Moving Beyond Earth (Gallery 113)
10:30 am

NASA astronauts Mary Cleave and Shannon Walker with compare their different, but very exciting experiences in space.
On stage in Moving Beyond Earth (Gallery 113)
11:30 am

Hear former astronaut Mary Cleave talk about her experiences on the space shuttle and more.
On stage in Moving Beyond Earth (Gallery 113)
1:00 pm

Current astronaut Shannon Walker will share her experiences on the Soyuz and her long-duration stay on the International Space Station. 
On stage in Moving Beyond Earth (Gallery 113)
2:00 pm



Encounter early aviator Ruth Law as portrayed by Natalie Zanin.
In Early Flight (Gallery 107)

Meet Bonnie Tibruzi Caputo, the first female pilot for a major airline.
In America by Air (Gallery 102)

Talk to women in the Women@NASA program, which celebrates women across the agency who contribute to NASA's mission in many ways.
In Space Race (Gallery 114)

Meet Science Cheerleaders and learn from them about NASA's Asteroid Initiative.
In Boeing Milestones of Flight Hall (Gallery 100)



In America by Air (Gallery 102)

  • Design Build Test: Flying Machines: Learn about early inventors like Lillian Todd, then make (and test) your own mini-flying machine.
  • Early Flight Fun: Make an air mail postcard and design air show pennants and tickets.
  • Map the flight of the first woman to fly around the world.
  • Play Bigger, Faster, Farther-What Do These Planes Have in Common?

In Space Race (Gallery 114)

  • Create your own astronaut mission patch.
  • Learn the difference between comets and asteroids by making models to take home.
  • Make your own "Snoopy Cap" (a Communications Carrier Assembly that space-walking astronauts use to communicate with their crew).

In Apollo to the Moon (Gallery 210)

  • Astronaut Training School: Join a team to put together a shuttle, practice using space gloves, and dress like an astronaut.
The Heritage Family Day Series is made possible through the generous support of Northrop Grumman Corporation.

A child enjoys air- and space-related crafts at a Heritage Family Day.

How to attend

National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC

6th St. and Independence Ave SW. Washington, DC 20560