4:30 p.m.  Discovery Station (in front of Welcome Center)
5:45 p.m.  Planetarium presentation
6:45 p.m.  Telescope observing at Public Observatory, weather permitting

The HiRISE camera on the orbiting Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has revealed Mars to be a far more active place than previously known. Attendees at this lecture will view high resolution images of avalanches, dust devils, geysers, possibly a trickle of water, and more as Patrick Russell provides an in-depth discussion about Mars imagery.

The Smithsonian’s Stars Lecture Series is made possible by a grant from NASA.
Images like this from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show portions of the Martian surface in unprecedented detail.
How to attend

National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC

6th St. and Independence Ave SW. Washington, DC 20560