Unit 2, A Call to Adventure

In mythology, the hero's journey begins with the "call to adventure." Destiny's herald is usually someone or something fairly ordinary--a frog, a deer in the forest, or in this case a humble droid--that carries an important message for the one who is prepared to receive it.

As the Star Wars story begins, a battle in space rages between the evil powers of darkness (the Galactic Empire) and the forces of good (the Rebel Alliance). Princess Leia sends a plea for help to Jedi Knight Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi on the planet of Tatooine. The hand of Fate, in the form of Jawa traders, brings her message to Luke Skywalker, a young farmboy. When Luke sees the message hologram, he is drawn into a quest to rescue the Princess and ultimately to save the galaxy.


Concepts for Opening Scenes for Star Wars
Storyboards by Alex Tavoularis
Storyboard Storyboard Storyboard Storyboard
Princess Leia and Stormtroopers
Concept drawings by Ralph McQuarrie
Stormtroopers, Concept drawings by Ralph McQuarrie Princess Leia, Concept drawings by Ralph McQuarrie
C-3P0 and R2-D2
Arrive on Tatooine

Concept painting by Ralph McQuarrie
C-3P0 and R2-D2 Arrive on Tatooine
Concept painting by Ralph McQuarrie
Sandcrawler, Concept painting by Ralph McQuarrie
Luke Starkiller (Skywalker)
with Aunt Beru and
Uncle Owen Lars

Costume design by John Mollo
Luke Starkiller with Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen Lars, Costume design by John Mollo
C-3P0 and R2-D2
Concept drawing by Ralph McQuarrie
C-3P0 and R2-D2,Concept drawing by Ralph McQuarrie Concept drawing by Ralph McQuarrie


Interrogator Droid
Imperial Stormtrooper
Imperial Stormtrooper, Costume
Rebel Blockade
Runner Escape Pod

Production model
Rebel Blockade Runner Escape Pod Production model
Princess Leia
Princess Leia
C-3PO (See-Threepio)
Real Audio (24K)
R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo)
Real Audio (35K)

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