Hero Deeds Banner

The next step in the hero quest is a challenge to mortal combat. The heroes experienced an initial rite of passage in the Death Star and accomplished the "princess rescue." Now Leia leads Han and Luke to the Rebel base to plan an attack on the Death Star. Luke joins the fighter pilots of the Rebellion. As he puts on his uniform, he puts aside his youthful identity and assumes a new role--that of a heroic pilot, ready to sacrifice his life for his cause.

In the end good triumphs over evil, and the heroes are recognized for their deeds of valor. This moment is the end of one adventure, but it also represents the start of the next stage--further initiation on the "road of trials."


Rebel Y-wing Fighter
Production model
Rebel Y-wing Fighter, Production model
Real Audio (34K)
Luke Skywalker
X-wing Pilot

Luke Skywalker X-wing Pilot Costume

Into the Labyrinth || STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE || The Dark Road of Trials