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The 1928 National Air Races were held at Mines Field, Los Angeles, California from September 8 to 16 and included numerous events for both military and civilian pilots. This collection consists of a black and white panoramic photograph of sixty-five of the pilots who participated in the 1928 National Air Races.
The 1928 National Air Races were held at Mines Field (now Los Angeles International Airport), Los Angeles, California from September 8 to 16 and included numerous events for both military and civilian pilots including a nonstop transcontinental race from New York to Los Angeles. This race was won by Arthur C. "Art" Goebel, the only pilot to complete the race, flying his Lockheed Model 5 Vega Yankee Doodle.
Bill Lindsley, Gift, 2011, NASM.2011.0009.
0.03 Cubic feet (1 oversized folder)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of a black and white panoramic photo, measuring 24 by 9 inches, of sixty-five of the pilots who participated in the 1928 National Air Races. All of the pilots have been identified by name and they include Thomas Carroll Van Stone; Daniel Webb "Tommy" Tomlinson, IV; Hubert V. Hopkins; Joseph Mason Reeves; Eugene E. Wilson; John G. Crommelin; Frederick M. Trapnell; Wallace Maypon Dillon; and the donor's grandfather, Chester Marion Lindsley. Aircraft can be seen in the background including a Vought O2U Corsair; Curtiss JN-4 Jenny; and numerous Martin (Glenn L.) T3M-1s (Model 73).
Collection is in original order.
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1928 National Air Races Panoramic Photograph, NASM.2011.0009, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Airplane racing
Collection descriptions
Archival materials