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The 94th Aero Squadron, one of the first American pursuit squadrons to operate over the Western Front and see combat, was highly publicized in American print media and became one of the most famous squadrons in the United States Army Air Service. This collection consists of material documenting the activities of the 94th Aero Squadron in France during World War I, and includes daily operations orders, combat reports, reconnaissance reports, citations and commendations, and lists of officers, pilots, and official victories of the unit.

Biographical / Historical

The 94th Aero Squadron, one of the first American pursuit squadrons to operate over the Western Front and see combat, was highly publicized in American print media and became one of the most famous squadrons in the United States Army Air Service. Several air aces and notable pilots served with the 94th Aero Squadron including Gervais Raoul Lufbery, Douglas Campbell, Reed Chambers, Harvey Weir Cook, James Armand Meissner, and Edward Vernon "Eddie" Rickenbacker, the United States' top scoring flying ace of World War I.






Transferred from National Air and Space Museum Department of Aeronautics, 1986, NASM.1987.0005.


0.25 Cubic feet (1 slim legal document box)

Archival Repository

National Air and Space Museum Archives

Scope and Contents

This collection consists of material documenting the activities of the 94th Aero Squadron in France during World War I. These records were collected by Edward Vernon "Eddie" Rickenbacker and include daily operations orders, combat reports, reconnaissance reports, citations and commendations, and lists of officers, pilots, and official victories of the unit. Rickenbacker may have obtained some of the material in the collection from Mr. M. J. Grossman.

Arrangement note

Collection is arranged by type of record, and is arranged chronilogically within each folder.


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No restrictions on access


94th Aero Squadron Collection, NASM.1987.0005, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.


Aeronautics, Military

Air pilots

World War, 1914-1918


Collection descriptions

Archival materials

Military records