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Andrew Gallagher Haley (1904-1966) was a lawyer and administrator who had a major influence on the development of space law. Haley graduated from Georgetown University Law School (LLB, 1928) and worked for a time as a congressional aide, where he assisted in the drafting of communication laws. He then earned a Bachelor of Arts from George Washington University in 1934. He then worked as counsel to the Federal Radio Commission and its successor the Federal Communications Commission (1933-39) before entering private practice (1939-42). With the United State's entry in to World War II he was called to service as a Major in the Judge Advocate General's Office, Headquarters, Army Air Force (1942). He was released from service In August 1942, however, to assume the presidency of Aerojet Engineering Corporation (later Aerojet General), serving as President and Managing Director (1942-45). After the war he became very active in promoting space exploration and astronautics in the International Astronautical Federation (IAF; Vice President, 1951-53; President, 1957-58; General Counsel, 1959-66) and the American Rocket Society (ARS; Vice President 1953; President 1954; Counsel, 1955-63). In 1960 he helped found the International Academy of Astronautics and International Institute of Space Law under the auspices of the IAF. He authored a number of papers and articles and helped organize a number of international conferences on space and communications law.




Haley, Andrew Gallagher, 1944-1966




Andrew G. Haley and Delphine Haley, gift, 1979, XXXX-0200, unknown


46.87 Cubic feet ((43 records center boxes))

Archival Repository

National Air and Space Museum Archives

Scope and Contents

This collection documents Haley's involvement with astronautics and space law. The material consists primarily of documents covering Haley's activities in the IAF and ARS, including information on the various conferences and institutes he helped organize. The collection also contains material relating to the founding and early operations of Aerojet-General


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Space law



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Financial records
