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Circa 1948
Richard Gombosh, Gift, 2003, NASM.2024.0012.
0.01 Cubic feet (1 folder)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of one 8 by 10 inch brown toned photograph of Betty Skelton posed beside her Great Lakes (1929) Model 2T-1A, circa 1948. The collection also includes two additional copies of the same image, one of which measures 8 by 10 inches and one of which measures 4.75 by 3.75 inches.
Collection is a single item.
Material is subject to Smithsonian Terms of Use. Should you wish to use NASM material in any medium, please submit an Application for Permission to Reproduce NASM Material, available at Permissions Requests.
No restrictions on access
Betty Skelton Great Lakes (1929) Model 2T-1A Photograph, NASM.2024.0012, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Women air pilots
Great Lakes (1929) Model 2T-1A
Collection descriptions
Archival materials