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This collection consists of the program for a dinner given in honor of Charles Lindbergh by the Mayor and Citizens of Baltimore, Maryland on October 18, 1927 at the Lyric Theatre.
William F. Bledsoe, Gift, 1992, NASM.1992.0020.0048
0.01 Cubic feet (1 folder)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of the program for a dinner given in honor of Charles Lindbergh by the Mayor and Citizens of Baltimore, Maryland on October 18, 1927 at the Lyric Theatre. The program measures 8.5 by 11 inches and consists of multiple pages featuring information about the event. On the cover is a hand-colored illustration of the Ryan NYP Spirit of St Louis in flight.
Collection is a single item.
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Charles Lindbergh Banquet Program [Bledsoe], NASM.1992.0020.0048, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Collection descriptions
Archival materials