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Frederick J. Wiseman (1875--1961) was an early California aviator and one of the designers of the Wiseman-Peters (later named Wiseman-Cooke) Biplane. This collection consists of two autgraphed postcards, both featuring an inset portrait of Frederick J. Wiseman and a view of the Wiseman-Peters #2 Biplane (Wiseman-Cooke Biplane).
Cardinell-Vincent Co.
Circa 1911
Donor unknown, material found in collection, NASM.XXXX.0993.
0.05 Cubic feet (1 folder)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of two 5.5 by 3.5 inch sepia-toned postcards, both featuring an inset portrait of Frederick J. Wiseman wearing a suit and tie and a view of the Wiseman-Peters #2 Biplane (Wiseman-Cooke Biplane). One postcard features a right side view of the aircraft on the ground with Wiseman visible standing beside it, and is captioned, "Aviator Wiseman Immediately After Winning the Amateur Endurance Record, January 18, 1911." The other postcard features a view of the aircraft in flight and is captioned, "Wiseman Rounding the last Pylon in the Speed Trial, Selfridge Field." Both postcards are autographed on the front by Wiseman.
Collection is only two items.
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Frederick J. Wiseman Autographed Postcards, NASM.XXXX.0993, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Air pilots
Collection descriptions
Archival materials
Picture postcards