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The second International Aviation Meet took place at Belmont Park, Long Island, New York from October 22-30, 1910. Numerous prizes were awarded throughout this tournament in relation to speed, altitude, duration, and distance. Specific competitions include the Michelin Cup, the Scientific American Trophy, and the Statue of Liberty Flight. The Gordon Bennett Cup Race, a 100 km competition for the Gordon Bennett International Aviation Trophy, took place on October 29, 1910. Despite the dangerous route of this course, many entered to compete for the high honors bestowed upon the winner.




Jensen, Otto.


bulk 1910


Arnold, Rhodes, Gift, 2004


0.05 Cubic feet ((1 folder))

Archival Repository

National Air and Space Museum Archives

Scope and Contents

This collection consists of seven 2.5 x 4 black and white photographs taken on October 29, 1910 at the International Aviation Meet at Belmont Park. Pictured in flight are John B. Moisant, Hubert Latham, and Charles K. Hamilton. These photographs were taken during the Gordon Bennett Cup Race, of which Moisant came in second, Latham fourth, and Hamilton eighth. All photographs were taken by Otto Jensen.


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International Aviation Meet, Belmont Park Photographs, Accession number 2004-0073, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.


Aeronautics -- Competitions
Airplane racing


Collection descriptions
Archival materials