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No reconnaissance aircraft in history has operated globally in more hostile airspace or with such complete impunity than the Lockheed SR-71 (Blackbird). This miniature American flag was on board the Lockheed SR-71A (Blackbird) s/n 61-7972 on its record-setting last flight for delivery to the National Air and Space Museum on March 6, 1990.




Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company




Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company, Gift, 1990, NASM.1990.0076


0.05 Cubic feet (1 folder)

Archival Repository

National Air and Space Museum Archives

Scope and Contents

This miniature American flag was on board the Lockheed SR-71A (Blackbird) s/n 61-7972 on its record-setting last flight for delivery to the National Air and Space Museum on March 6, 1990. The flag is mounted in a blue folio which measures approximately 9 by 12 inches and includes a small certificate along with the flag. The serial number of the aircraft is erroneously listed on the certificate as 64-17972. SR-71 serial numbers have often been incorrectly given as beginning with "64-," with 5 numbers beginning with a "1" after the year. This was possibly done to keep certain details about the program a secret. The correct numbers are all either "60-" or "61-" with 4 digits after the year. Please note that the folio is not displayed in the slideshow.

Arrangement note

Collection is a single item.


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Lockheed SR-71A (Blackbird) Record Flight Flag and Certificate, NASM.1990.0076, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.


Lockheed SR-71 (Blackbird) Family


Collection descriptions
Archival materials