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The Minneapolis Public Library has been incorporating appropriate materials from its newspaper morgue into the Minneapolis Newspapers Aviation Collection. The library has sent to NASM materials that do not meet their needs. Several pieces of this collection have already been given their own accession numbers. From 2001 on, new gifts from the Minneapolis Public Library will be given the accession number from this record.




Minneapolis Public Library


bulk 1910s-1940s


Minneapolis Public Library, Gift, 1996


1.6 Cubic feet

Archival Repository

National Air and Space Museum Archives

Scope and Contents

This collection consists largely of newspaper clippings and photos of famous aviators and aviatrices, including Maurice Bellonte, Donald Bennett, Gordan Bennett, M.W. Benningfield, Vincent Bendix, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bennett, Lieut. Bentley, Capt. Hans Bertram, Prof. G.M. Bellanca, Lieut. C.K. Bettis, Hermelinda Briones, T. Campbell Black, Kurt Bjorkvall, Col. L.V. Stewart Blacker, Capt. Joachim H. Blackenburg, David L. Behncke, Sarmento Beires, Walter Beech, Henry C. Biard, Wilfred Blake, Mrs. Wilfred Blake, William Bogen, Dorothy C. Bohanna, Randall Bose, Lucien Boussoutrot, Louis Bleriot, Louis Bleriot, Jr., William Edward Boeing, Harry Harmon Blee, Helene Boucher, Leonard Warden Bonney, Enea Bossi, Eric Bonar, M. Bonnet, Charles A. Lindbergh, Harry Bogen, Hawley Bowlus, Capt. J. Erroll Boyd, Stanley Boynton, Capt. Albert Boyd, Adolph Brocado, Smaranda Braescu, Major Edwin Brainard, Thomas Elmer Braniff, Vance Breece, Hubert Broad, H.F. Broadbent, William S. "Billy" Brock, Harold Bromley, Emory Bronte, Captain Eddie Brooks, H.L. Brook, Walter Brookins, Sir Arthur Whitten Brown, Billie Brown, Donald L. Brown, Nate Browne, Edward Muldowney, Mary Bruce, Peggy O'Neil Bruen, Robert Buck, Milo G. Burcham, Emile "Eddie" Burgin (with Bert Acosta), Robert B. Burnett, Juanita Burns, Bernie Cain, Bernice Caldwell, and Turner F. Caldwell. Also included are images featuring aircraft such as the Bleriot 110, Joseph le Brix, and the Bonney Gull; places such as Wake Island; events such as the "Black Cruise;" and subjects such as aerial cameras and the V-2 rocket.


Material is subject to Smithsonian Terms of Use. Should you wish to use NASM material in any medium, please submit an Application for Permission to Reproduce NASM Material, available at Permissions Requests


No restrictions on access.


Minneapolis Newspapers Aviation Collection, 2001-0042, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.



Air pilots


Collection descriptions

Archival materials

Newspaper clippings

Photographic prints