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This collection consists of the observatory postcards gathered by Dr. David DeVorkin as part of the Explore the Universe exhibit.
NASM Space History Department, Transfer, 2018, NASM.2018.0060
0.79 Cubic feet (2 containers)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of the postcards gathered by Dr. David DeVorkin as part of the Explore the Universe exhibit. Postcards from the following observatories are included: Allegheny; Arecibo Radio; Berlin-Treptow; Cambridge University, UK; David Dunlap; Dominion Astrophysical; European Southern; Green Bank Radio Telescope; Griffith; Harvard-SAO; Jodrell Bank; Keck; Kitt Peak National; Lick; Mauna Kea; McDonald; Mount Wilson; Palomar; Potsdam Astrophysical; Royal Observatory Greenwich; Vassar College; Very Large Array; and Whipple-MMT. The collection also contains CDs containing digital surrogates of the postcards, which were scanned by NASM staff or volunteers.
Arranged by Observatory.
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No restrictions on access
Observatory Postcards, NASM.2018.0060, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Postcards -- 20th century
Observatories -- Astrophysical
Astronomy -- 20th century
Collection descriptions
Archival materials