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This collection consists of one black and white photograph, measuring 9 by 7 inches, of Charles Augustus Lindbergh posed with members of Portugal's Naval Aeronautical Service in Lisbon, 1933.
Ribeiro, Serra
Sofia Nazaré de Pereira Barreira, Gift, 2019, NASM.2019.0010, Donated in honor of Maria Adelaide Vieira Pereira Barreira.
0.05 Cubic feet (1 folder)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of one black and white photograph, measuring 9 by 7 inches, of Charles Augustus Lindbergh posed with members of Portugal's Naval Aeronautical Service in Lisbon, 1933. Germano de Faria Moura Júnior can also be seen in the photograph. The photograph has been autographed by Lindbergh.
Collection is in original order.
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Photograph of Charles Augustus Lindbergh with Portugese Naval Aeronautical Service, NASM.2019.0010, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Air pilots
Collection descriptions
Archival materials