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This collection consists of approximately 0.77 cubic feet of material, mostly training guides and manuals, that relate to either the Air Force Satellite Test Center (STC) or to the Space Shuttle program.
From 1977 to 1983, Susan Venter was employed by Lockheed Missiles and Space Company at the Air Force Satellite Test Center (STC) at Sunnyvale Air Force Station, California where she worked on Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. Venter later worked at the same facility providing Space Shuttle mission support related to the Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) program.
1976-1984 and undated
Susan Venter, Gift, 2018, NASM.2018.0065
0.77 Cubic feet (3 boxes)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of approximately 0.77 cubic feet of material, mostly training guides and manuals, that relate to either the Air Force Satellite Test Center (STC) or to the Space Shuttle program. The majority of Space Shuttle material is specific to Space Shuttle Mission STS-41B (10, 3 Feb 84). The collection also contains six technical drawings, produced by Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, relating to the Hubble (Large) Space Telescope (HST, LST); a Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS) brochure; and an 11 by 14 inch color photograph that shows an aerial view of the Air Force Satellite Test Center (STC).
Collection is arranged by topic, or in some cases type of material. Within the folders, items are arranged chronologically.
Material is subject to Smithsonian Terms of Use. Should you wish to use NASM material in any medium, please submit an Application for Permission to Reproduce NASM Material, available at Permissions Requests.
No restrictions on access
Satellite and Space Shuttle Materials [Venter], NASM.2018.0065, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Aeronautics, Military
Artificial satellites
Space flight
Technical manuals
Collection descriptions
Archival materials
Photographic prints
Technical drawings