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This collection consists of reel to reel audio tapes relating to the United States space program. The material includes recordings of events, missions, press conferences, and other happenings from the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.
Michael Kapp was the producer of the Bill Dana "Jose Jimenez in Orbit" record album in the 1960s and provider of many of the music tapes broadcast to the Gemini crews from mission control.
Kapp, Michael
1939-1977 and undated
Michael Kapp, Gift, 1969, NASM.XXXX.0138
30.01 Cubic feet (44 legal document boxes; 9 letter document boxes; 8 audio boxes)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of a unique group of sound recordings collected by Michael Kapp, constituting an oral history of the U.S. space program from its theoretical beginnings through Apollo 13. Some recordings relating to foreign space programs are also included. The tape collection represents thousands of hours of recordings that were assembled over six years, including blockhouse recordings, launch sounds, telemetry, air-to-ground mission recordings, press conferences, and briefings. Space programs represented include Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and various satellite programs. Recordings include interviews and mission commentary of numerous astronauts, as well as media figures, U.S. Presidents, Congressional leaders, and scientists.
This collection is arranged in two series: 1. Audio 2. Transcripts The audio is organized in boxes and identified by the identification number assigned by Kapp. The transcripts are arranged by mission.
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No restrictions on access
United States Space Program Oral History Collection [Kapp], Acc. NASM.XXXX.0138, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Manned space flight
Launch vehicles (Astronautics)
Artificial satellites
Collection descriptions
Archival materials