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Howard Harrop Sargent, Jr. (1911--1986) was a test pilot who was the first person to fly an aircraft powered by the Pratt & Whitney Wasp Major R-4360 engine. This collection consists of a Wasp Major Club certificate issued to Sargent.
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company
April 25, 1942
Douglas B. Sargent, Gift, 2023, NASM.2024.0007
0.02 Cubic feet (1 oversized map folder)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of a Wasp Major Club certificate issued to Howard Harrop Sargent, Jr. indicating that he was the first pilot to fly an aircraft powered by a Pratt & Whitney Wasp Major R-4360 engine. The certificate, which measures approximately 16 x 14 inches, is dated April 25, 1942 and is signed by Pratt & Whitney's General Manager, name unreadable, and Chief Engineer, Andrew Willgoos.
Collection is a single item.
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Wasp Major Club Certificate [Sargent], NASM.2024.0007, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Test pilots
Pratt & Whitney Wasp Major R-4360 28-Cylinder Radial
Collection descriptions
Archival materials