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Digital images of a Bristol Fighter F.2B, a de Havilland DH-4, and a captured Fokker D.VII in service of the Royal Air Force during World War I as well as a contemporary scans of the 1986 publication British Aerospace and 50 Years of the King's Flight and the Queen's Flight.
1910s, 1986
Gerald Henri Cullen, Gift, 2003, NASM.2003.200.0061
.272 Gigabytes
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection contains digital images of a Bristol Fighter F.2B, a de Havilland DH-4, and a captured Fokker D.VII in service of the Royal Air Force during World War I as well as contemporary photographs of a gunsight and altimeter of a DH-4. Also included are scans of a 1986 publication titled British Aerospace and 50 Years of the King's Flight and the Queen's Flight.
Original order.
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World War I British Aerospace Aircraft, NASM.2003.0020.0061, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Bristol Fighter F.2B (Brisfit)
de Havilland (Airco) D.H.4
Fokker D. VII
Collection descriptions
Archival materials
Born digital