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United States. Army Air Forces
Virginia Harvey, Gift, 2015, NASM.2016.0009
0.06 Cubic feet (1 map folder)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of a "Navigator's Log" flight plan document (AAF Form No. 21A-1) for one of the aircraft involved in the raid on the airfield at Neuburg, Germany on March 21, 1945. The listed crew suggests that it is likely for Consolidated B-24J Liberator (s/n 42-50969) from the Fifteenth Air Force, 47th Bomb Wing, 450th Bomb Group, 723rd Squadron. The document measures 26 x 20 inches when fully unfolded, 13 X 10 inches when folded as designed for use. The document is on yellowed paper and is filled out in pencil containing mission orders, alternate targets, detailed flight plan, weather forecast, actual flight statistics, notes, etc.
Collection is in original order.
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World War II Consolidated B-24 Liberator Navigator's Log, NASM.2016.0009, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
World War, 1939-1945
Consolidated B-24 Family
Collection descriptions
Archival materials
Navigation charts