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This collection consists of approximately 1.78 cubic feet of material pertaining to Harry P. Moore and newspaper coverage of the Wright Brothers first flight on December 17, 1903.
Steve Fritts, Gift, 2018, NASM.2018.0012
1.78 Cubic feet (3 boxes)
National Air and Space Museum Archives
This collection consists of approximately 1.78 cubic feet of material pertaining to Harry P. Moore and newspaper coverage of the Wright Brothers first flight on December 17, 1903. Materials include a handwritten draft of Moore's newspaper article on the flight; typewritten final version of the article and copies sent to various news outlets; letters about the event by telegraph operator C. C. Grant, Virginian-Pilot newsroom chief of staff C. G. Kizer, reporter Frank S. Wing, and managing editor T. H. Lamb; news coverage of the flight including the December 19, 1903 editions of the Norfolk Public Ledger and the New York Tribune and the January 2, 1904 issue of Harper's Weekly; later news clippings regarding Moore and the Wright Brothers flight story; a letter to Moore from Orville Wright written in 1928; and a First Flight Centennial program from 2003.
Collection is arranged by topic or sometimes type of material with items put in chronological order within folders when applicable.
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Wright Brothers First Flight Story Collection [Moore], NASM.2018.0012, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
Wright (Brothers) 1903 Flyer
Collection descriptions
Archival materials
Newspaper clippings