The main bus on the full-scale Voyager spacecraft mock-up consists of a 10-sided aluminum framework with 10 electronic compartments; a white, 3.66 m-diameter (12 f-ft) parabolic reflector high gain antenna is mounted above the main bus (dummy mock-up); three booms containing scientific instruments and the power source also extend from the main bus (booms: flight-like); an aluminum truss mounted to one side supports both the long magnetometer boom as well as the boom for the radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs); the RTG's are contained in 3 separate cylinders, each with 6 perpendicular panels that extend outwards (RTGs: dummy mock-ups); a single, long radio antenna also extends from this truss; the instrument boom is mounted separately on the opposite side of the main bus; a steerable platform is connected at the end of this boom allows the wide angle and narrow angle cameras as well as the ultraviolet spectrometer (dummy mock-up), infrared interferometer spectrometer (flight-like) and radiometer and photopolarimeter (flight-like) to be pointed at targets; a white square calibration target is mounted underneath the instrument boom and is supported by a black, insulated truss connected to the bottom of the main bus. All of the structural members (except for the bus) are flight-like. Created by Eric Long Date Created Keywords Exploration; Jupiter; Planetary; Robots; Science; Solar System; Space; Spacecraft Rights and Restrictions Not determined
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