Cylindrical, with sharp pointed nose; three clipped triangular fins, two painted white and one black for easier tracking; tubular fairing running the length of the vehicle on one side, from the base of the nosecone to the rocket base, for accommodating propellant pipes. Body painted white, with black bands around top, before nosecone, and bottom, before fins; upsidedown cones, probably metallic, projecting from each white fin by means of special fairing, and each cone in turn protected by clear plastic outer upsidedown cones, probably plexiglas; one metallic cone is white, the other gray or silver. Circular, orange, blue, and black JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab) decal on middle of rocket, with picture of rocket going through the circle. The rocket shown here does not include its booster. Created by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Date Created 04/29/2022 Source Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Keywords Cold War; Rockets; Science; Space Rights and Restrictions Not determined
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