Ogival-shaped; made in two sections, smaller cap portion, on top comprising about one third of length of cone; remaining two thirds of cap below; with hole on tip and four equidistant drilled holes around cap portion; overall, hollow, except for square bracket for parachute release mechanism, affixed inside lower portion, near rim; overall aluminum alloy, but some steel screws around lower portion, these screws rusted; overall, dull metallic gray; rim around base, of darker hue; one clip type fixture attached to lower portion, possibly with an adhesive, with the number 32 written in black, underneath clip, indicating that this object was most likely included in an earlier exhibit and mounted by means of this clip, either from a wall or suspended from a ceiling (see Curatorial remarks); slight dent on top of cone. Near upper portion, perhaps indicating this cone was used in a flown rocket with the nose recovered Created by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Date Created 07/03/2003 Source Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Keywords Engineers; Inventors; Rockets; Space Rights and Restrictions Not determined
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