Irregular shaped, mounted on varnished oval stand; main disc of injector housing upright at one end of stand, with round pipe-like sides, 2.25 inches in diameter, painted semi-glossy gray; black, steel cutaway chamber secured laterally on one side of main disc, half of chamber circle with equidistant bolts to disc end of chamber; end of chamber with wide partly cutaway rim; pipe, 2.25 inches in diameter, 4.5 inches long, projecting laterally from other end of main disc, and four much smaller diameter pipes, equidistant, projecting along side of larger pipe; equidistant injector holes on circular plate in middle of main disc; copper-colored wedge inserted into one row of injector holes and probably serving as a partition; inside chamber cavity cutaway walls, with rough, white colored texture; no plaque on oval stand. Some white powder around bolts to main disc.
Created by
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Date Created
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Engines; Models; Rockets; Space
Rights and Restrictions
Not determined
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