2 stages plus guidance section and nose cap; 7 nozzles on solid-fuel booster; 14 varnished wooden fins: 4 nose fins (canard control surfaces), 6 midsection fins, 4 tail fins Length 18 ft (5.5 m), diameter 20 in. (50.8 cm), Maximum span 10 ft 2 inch (3.1 m), weight 2425 lb. (1100 kg.). Weight without fins: 2010 lb (914 kg) Operational configuration: Loaded wt.: 1750 kg (3,850 lbs), empty wt.: 750 kg (1,650 lbs), Payload: 332 lbs (150 kg) Range: 7.5 miles, Altitude: 3.7 miles, Speed: 680 mph Angle-iron booster fin supports: length 137.5 cm, from angle to angle, 129 cm, width 5.5 cm, angle-iron dimemsions, 4 cm x 4 cm, 4 mm thickness, 45 degree angle
Created by
Mark Avino
Date Created
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Military; Missiles; Space; World War II
Rights and Restrictions
Not determined
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