Cylindrical, lengthened Redstone missile body for carrying more fuel and smaller, shorter cylinder on top fitted into flared nosecap with much smaller cylinder on top, with blunt nose cone. The second, smaller cylinder is the vehicle's 2nd and 3rd stages. The smallest, uppermost cylinder is the Explorer 1 satellite. Includes launch stand with pyramid-shaped exhaust gas deflector, placed underneath engine. Rocket, overall painted white, with alternate white and black fins; black stripe around middle and another black stripe, from top black stripe to bottom one. Created by Eric Long Date Created 01/29/2015 Source Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Best of the National Air and Space Museum Collection, NASM Acc. 2004-0036 Keywords Cold War; Launch Vehicles; Military; Rockets; Satellites; Science; Space Rights and Restrictions Not Researched
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