The auxillary biosensors were part of the Apollo bioharness assembly worn under either the intra-vehicular (IV) or extra-vehicular (EV) pressure suit. This sensor unit was flown on Apollo 11 in July 1969, though not worn during the mission. The complete assembly consisted of a cotton duck belt fitted with snap fastners and teflon-coated beta cloth pockets, which attached the assembly to either the constant wear garment or the liquid cooling garment. The bioharness components consisted of an electrocardiograph signal conditioner, an impedance pneumograph signal conditioner, and a DC-DC converter, along with sensors placed on the body of the astronaut prior to flight. These instruments monitored the physiological functions of the astronaut.
Transferred to the National Air and Space Museum from NASA in 1970.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.
United States of America
Tempil Corporation
3-D: 61 x 2.5cm (24 x 1 in.)
3-D (Coiled/Display): 23.6 × 6 × 1.3cm (9 5/16 × 2 3/8 × 1/2 in.)
Overall: Metal, plastic, rubber insulation
Transferred from NASA
National Air and Space Museum
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