Gemini X was launched by a Titan II missile on July 18, 1966, for a 3-day mission. Commander John Young and pilot Michael Collins orbited the Earth 43 times. On the third orbit, Gemini X made a successful rendezvous and docking with the Agena 10 target. After undocking with Agena 10, the Gemini crew rendezvoused with Agena 8 without the use of radar. During the second of two spacewalks (EVAs),Collins used a hand-held maneuvering unit to fly to Agena 8, where he recovered a scientific package. Gemini X marked the first flight to rendezvous with two different target vehicles and it provided valuable EVA experience.
In 1967 NASA transferred the Gemini X spacecraft to the Smithsonian Institution.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.