This set of collectible STS-81 commemorative cards created by United Space Alliance marked the flight of the Space Shuttle orbiter Atlantis on the fifth Shuttle-Mir mission in May 1997. During the mission, NASA astronaut Jerry Linenger replaced NASA astronaut John Blaha as the US crew member aboard the Mir space station. Blaha had been aboard Mir since September 19, 1996. Linenger spent more than four months aboard Mir.
The card set was collected by Nancy Yasecko, a filmmaker who grew up in Florida near Cape Canaveral, and whose film "Growing Up with Rockets," released in 1985, is a personal memoir of growing up in the shadow of the United States' civil human spaceflight program. The card set is part of a collection of artifacts that Yasecko donated to the Museum in 2012 along with a copy of the film, which is held by the Museum's film archives.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.