Astronauts use a variety of checklists during missions in space to ensure that they follow correct procedures for operating the spacecraft, doing repairs, conducting experiments, and completing other tasks successfully. This document is one of a set of checklists from the Skylab missions. It sets forth it sets forth the steps to be taken by an astronaut to successfully complete extra-vehicular activities (EVA), more commonly referred to as a spacewalk, Skylab was a space station launched into Earth orbit by the United States and occupied by three three-man crews in 1973-1974. Astronauts made round trips to Skylab in Apollo Command/Service Modules, the same type of spacecraft used for missions to the Moon.
NASA transferred to the Museum more than 30 Skylab checklists in 1978.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.