This is the container for the Post Landing Ventilation (PLV) system duct from Apollo 11. Anticipating that as much as 48 hours might pass after splashdown at sea before recovery by U.S. Navy personnel and equipment, provisions were made to support Apollo astronauts inside the command module while waiting to be rescued. To insure breathable fresh air inside the CM a PLV system was available. Ventilation was through a valve system mounted on the forward bulkhead and opened and energized by controls on the Main Control Panel. Each astronaut was provided with a collapsible duct (breathing tube) to attach to the PLV manifold on the bulkhead and worn while seated using a head strap around the back of the head. The PLV ducts directed the flow of incoming air to the crewmen. The right- and center-couch crewmen use the short ducts and the left-couch crewman uses the long duct.
This is one of the shorter ducts flown on the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969. It is 3.25 inches in diameter and 15 inches long. Made of cloth with stiffeners every 5 inches, one end has a head strap and the other end an internal circumferential strip of Velcro for attaching to flexible cloth vents passing through the forward bulkhead. The ducts compress, accordion style, into small volumes and are stowed in one of the aft compartment lockers.
NASA transferred it to the Smithsonian in 1970.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.
United States of America
3-D: 18.4 x 9.5 x 5.1cm (7 1/4 x 3 3/4 x 2 in.)
Beta Cloth
Synthetic Fabric
Unknown Metal
Unknown Sealant
The flight data file is a mission reference data file that is available manuals, charts, a data card kit, and LMP data file. It weighs approximately 20 pounds. 2.12 -CREW PERSONAL EQUIPMENT Mission Basic Date 15 April 1969 Change Page 2.12 -56 TOOLSET - 253C PERSONAL SMZA-03-BLOCK U-(1) 12.5 MISSION OPERATIONAL AIDS (Figure 2.1Z-30). paraphernalia the crew utilizes to perform the required mission. Normal, to the crewmen within the command module. The file contains checklists, approxi
National Air and Space Museum
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