This is the RP-76, rocket-powered, recoverable target drone, also designated AQM-38A. Developed by the Radioplane Division of Northrop Aircraft from the 1950's, the RP-76 was a training aid for U.S. Army crews manning Nike-Ajax and Hawk anti-aircraft missiles. The RP-76 gave the appearance of a large bomber aircraft and performed realistic maneuvers at high and low levels.
It was capable of speeds up to Mach 0.9 up to 70-75,000 feet. The RP-76 was radio controlled and could be recovered by parachute. The RP-76 was powered by a slow-burning solid-propellant Aerojet-General Corp. 530NS-35 motor of 35 pounds of thrust for 530 seconds.
The Army transferred the RP-76 to the Smithsonian in 1991.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.