This board game produced by the Milton Bradley Company around 1952 was based on "Captain Video and His Video Rangers," a weekly television show that aired on the DuMont network from 1949-1956, and which was considered the U.S.'s and world's first television show with a space flight theme. The multiple pieces incorporated into the board game echoed the title character's role as the inventor and user of many fictional technological gadgets, a hallmark of the television program. The game includes a stand-up cardboard cockpit dashboard with two working "dials" as well as a secondary game board that includes three spinners, all of which were integrated into the game play. A standard flat cardboard game board with playing pieces completes the game.
Collector Michael O'Harro donated this board game to the National Collection in 1993.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.