This A-1-C glove was fitted to astronaut Donn Eisele during early training sessions for the Apollo missions. A-1-C gloves were designed for heavy duty service with an outer glove made of white nylon, as protection for the inner glove. 1.15 volt fingertip lights independently powered by a 30 hour battery pack were attached to the first two fingers which were operated by moving a toggle switch on each hand.
The A1-C spacesuit was a modification of the Gemini G-3-C and G-4-C spacesuits and was only used during training and Earth-orbiting missions for Apollo. It consisted of five major assemblies: the main suit, helmet, boots, gloves and neck seal. The astronaut was equipped with a life vest assembly, and wore a cotton constant wear garment underneath the suit. The suit weighed approximately 25 lbs., was relatively comfortable, and permitted freedom of movement while pressurized.
NASA transferred this glove to the museum towards the end of the Apollo program.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.