The Apollo Command Module heat shield was manufactured following several steps: beginning with the substrate material, several coatings, a honeycomb supporting structure, a cell-by-cell filling with resin, and subsequent coatings and curing.
The manufacturer provided this finished heat shield sample to the Smithsonian, along with a model showing the various steps, in 1975.
This object is on display in Destination Moon at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.
United States of America
SPACECRAFT-Crewed-Parts & Structural Components
Avco Corportation
Overall: 1 ft. × 1 ft. × 1.9 in., 5 1/4lb. (30.5cm × 30.5cm × 4.8cm, 2.4kg)
Stainless steel, Fiberglas, phenolic resin (Avcoat 5026-39), various coatings
Gift of AVCO Corporation, Systems Division
National Air and Space Museum
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