The Republic Thunderjet/Thunderstreak/Thunderflash family of jet-powered fighter-bombers and reconnaissance planes was one of the most important of postwar combat aircraft, and equipped many allied and NATO air forces until the advent of supersonic aircraft. In tests, the XP-84 achieved a maximum speed of 592 mph at sea level. Normal range was 1300 miles, and an altitude of 35,000 feet could be attained in 13 minutes. The second prototype arrived and flew at Muroc in August. On 7 September 1946, set a new U.S. National Speed Record-611 mph.
The National Air & Space Museum holds the nose section of the record setting second XP-84 (#476). The original cockpit canopy was destroyed during testing and has since been replaced. The cockpit section was transferred to the NASM by what is now the USAF Museum in Dayton, Ohio.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.