This is the Dart ant-tank missile, designed to destroy heavy tanks. The U.S. Army expected the Dart to replace the Bazooka-type of anti-tank missile developed during World War II and also to be effective against heavier, post-war tanks. The Dart had a greater range and was far more accurate than its predecessor. This was due to the weapon's command guidance system and moveable aileron forward fins.The Army, however, canceled the Dart in 1958 in favor of the French SS-10 anti-tank missile that also found limited use on helicopter gunships before the introduction of the TOW (Tube launched, optically trackd, wire guided) missile.
The U.S. Army Ordnance Museum transferred this object to the National Air and Space Museum in 1989.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.