The V-1 (Vergeltungswaffe Eins, or Vengeance Weapon One), was the world's first operational cruise missile. This name was given to it by Josef Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry, but the original Air Ministry designation was Fi 103, after its airframe designer, the Fieseler company, and the missile also had the cover names of Kirschkern (Cherry Stone) and Flakzielgerät (Flak Target Device) 76 (FZG 76). Powered by a simple but noisy pulsejet, thousands were launched on British and continental European targets from June 1944 to March 1945.
This artifact consists of a horizontal stabilizer for the V-1. The donor is unknown, but was likely the U.S. Air Force.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.