This is the RTV-N-15, also known as Pollux, a post-World War II U.S. Navy pulsejet-powered research vehicle for missile development and testing piloted aircraft components. The last and largest vehicle of the important Gorgon series of post-war experimental Navy missiles, it was unusual in having an internally-mounted pulsejet and was an attempt to increase the normally slow operating speed of a pulsejet vehicle by streamlining.
The design range was 75-100 nautical miles, with guidance by active radar and heat-seeking homing. It made only three test flights from 1948-1951 and then was cancelled due to its slow development. This is probably the only extant example of the RTV-N-15 and was donated to the Smithsonian in 1971 by the U.S. Navy.
This object is on display in Rockets & Missiles at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA.
United States of America
CRAFT-Missiles & Rockets
Overall: height, 5 ft. 3 in. x length, 29 ft. 2 (351 in.) diameter, 20 inches; span, rear fins, 121 in. (10 ft.); span, front fins, 60 in. (5 ft.); weight, 1150 lbs.
Overall, aluminum; pitot tube, lower portion, steel; end portion, or tip, non-ferrous metal; cowling around exhaust end of missile, steel; flush screws on fins and elsewhere, steel; internally, white plastic insulated electrical wires; cross bar fo junction box (marked, "Junction Box"), steel; multi cables with steel braided wires; glass vacuum tube near end; green colored chrome paint internally.
RTV-N-15 drone
Transferred from U.S. Navy
National Air and Space Museum
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