The Imager For Mars Pathfinder (IMP) consists of three physical subassemblies: (1) camera head (with stereo optics, filter wheel, charge-coupled device (CCD) and pre-amp, mechanisms and stepper motors); (2) extendable mast with electronic cabling; and (3) two plug-in electronics cards (CCD data card and power supply/motor drive card) which plug into slots in the Warm Electronics Box within the lander. A number of atmospheric investigations are carried out using IMP images. A magnetic properties investigation is also included as part of that investigation. This instrument was assembled into the Mars Pathfinder Lander in 2003.
NASA transferred this camera to the Museum with the Pathfinder engineering model in 1999.
This object is on display in Space Science at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA.