This rocket is a standard 2.75-inch air-to-air Mighty Mouse converted into a riot control rocket. In place of the usual explosive warhead is a head containing a smoke producing chemical, which was mildly irritating, but not lethal or noxious. This is a practice round. It is not known if riot control rockets were every used in a real world scenario.
Transferred to NASM from the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.
United States of America
CRAFT-Missiles & Rockets
Hunter-Douglas Div., Bridgeport Brass Co.
Cylindrical with blunt nose and four folding rectangular fins at base, fins secured and folded to sides of missile by plastic holder and steel rod at ends of fin group; four nozzles, cut at angles, some nozzles with white corrosive powder; thin brown stripe, followed by red stripe, around rocket near front, followed by lettering in red (see Marks); five equidistant holes drilled around periphery of upper body, below stripes.
3-D (Rocket, 2.75 In, w/ Riot Control Warhead, Practice Round, Inert): 162.6 × 7 × 7cm, 6.8kg (5 ft. 4 in. × 2 3/4 in. × 2 3/4 in., 15lb.)
3-D (Hexboard Storage): 177.8 × 61 × 15.2cm, 9.5kg (5 ft. 10 in. × 2 ft. × 6 in., 21lb.)
Cadmium Coating
Steel nozzles and nozzle ring; overall, aluminum body and fins; gray plastic nose tip on transparent plastic nose fitting; warhead section, gray bare metal; propellant section, glossy white but very dirty and scratched; white insulated plastic wire projected from below nozzles.
Transferred from U.S. Army Ordnance Museum
National Air and Space Museum
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