The firm of Helmuth Walter KG developed this hydrogen-peroxide rocket motor for the Henschel Hs 293 air-to-surface missile in 1940-42, based on several years of experience with assisted-take-off devices and rocket-aircraft engines. Hydrogen peroxide in 80% concentration (codenamed "T-Stoff") was mixed with a calcium permanganate catalyst ("Z-Stoff"), producing superheated steam and oxygen. The initial thrust of 600 kg (1300 lb.) declined to 400 kg (900 lb.) during the 10 second duration of the engine due to dropping air pressure from bottles that moved the propellants to the mixing chamber. This burst of thrust propelled the Hs 293 missile away from the launch aircraft and accelerated its glide to the target.
This engine came to the National Air and Space Museum in December 1975 along with a number of other rocket artifacts developed or tested after World War II by Reaction Motors, Inc.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.