This early Reaction Motors, Inc. (RMI) regeneratively-cooled liquid-fuel rocket motor was constructed about 1943 as part of a project to develop a JATO (Jet-Assisted-Take-Off) unit for use by heavily loaded PBM seaplanes. RMI undertook JATO developmen under contract to the U.S. Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics. RMI was founded in 1941 to develop rocket motors based on the regeneratively-cooled design of one of its founders, James H. Wyld.
The exact thrust level and propellants of this motor are unknown, but t Reaction Motors veteran Robertson Youngquist suggested in 1983 that it was possibly a nitric acid and aniline motor of about 3300 N (750 lb.) thrust. In the end, the Navy decided to use solid-propellant JATOs, rather than liquid-propellant ones.RMI went on to be a significant rocket-engine company in the 1950s.
Thiokol Chemical Corporation, which had acquired RMI in 1958, gave this motor to the Smithsonian in 1975.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.