This spacefood is chocolate, formed into a small bar for easy chewing. It was flown on the Apollo 16 mission, but as it was not consumed during the mission, it was returned to earth.
Each Apollo crew member was provided with three meals per day which provided approximately 2,800 calories. This bar of chocolate could be eaten without the addition of water.
Transferred to the National Air and Sapce Museum from NASA - Johnson Space Center in 1986.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.
United States of America
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT-Food & Food Accessories
Whirlpool Corporation
3-D: 13.3 x 8.9 x 1.3cm (5 1/4 x 3 1/2 x 1/2 in.)
Package: 4-ply laminated plastic
Contents: Chocolate squares
Transferred from NASA - Johnson Space Center
National Air and Space Museum
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