This item (dried apricots) was returned from the first Space Shuttle mission, STS-1 (Columbia), in 1981. It is typical of Shuttle-era menu choices. As there is no onboard refrigerator or freezer, most foods stocked on the Shuttle are processed for storage at room temperature and packaged in individual portions. Astronauts may tailor their menus according to their personal tastes, but within nutritional guidelines.
Transferred from NASA to the Museum in 1981.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.
United States of America
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT-Food & Food Accessories
3-D: 15.2 × 8.9 × 0.6cm (6 × 3 1/2 × 1/4 in.)
Organic Material
Transferred from NASA Johnson Space Center
National Air and Space Museum
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