This Archer Outer Space Set was manufactured by the U.S. Metal Toy Manufacturing Company for Archer Plastics (based in Elmherst, New York) beginning in 1952. Known best for their plastic space men and some plastic space cars, Archer introduced this toy as a space play set that did not have any radio or television show tie-ins. Instead the toy invited creative play by putting the child in the role of the space engineer. The box read, "All parts easily assembled by the junior spaceman mechanic." Opening the flat roof of the space port created a "landing strip" for two toy spaceships that were included in the set and provided a stage for the plastic space men that would also have accompanied the space port.
Collector Michael O'Harro gave this play set to the National Collection in 1993.
This object is on display in James S. McDonnell Space Hangar at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA.