This plaque was given by the members of the 6594th Test Group to Col. Edwin Meyer, USAF, to commemorate his service as commanding officer from 1965-1968. The 6594th Test Group flew C-130s out of Hickam AFB in Hawaii to retrieve capsules containing exposed film from classified photoreconnaissance satellites. A trapeze-like apparatus was let out of the back of the aircraft and its recovery hooks snagged the lines of the capsule's parachute. The capsule and apparatus was then wound into the aircraft. The film was removed from the capsule at Hickam and flown to the East Coast for analysis.
Michael Meyer, the son of Col. Meyer, donated this artifact to the Museum in 2013.
This object is not on display at the National Air and Space Museum. It is either on loan or in storage.
United States of America
Overall: 32.7 × 25.4 × 15.2cm (12 7/8 × 10 × 6 in.)
Unknown Cast Material
Paint, Chrome
Unknown Surface Coating
Gift from the Fanily of Col. Edwin Meyer.
National Air and Space Museum
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