Civilian Application Satellites

Explore satellites used for communications, monitoring the weather, and exploring the Earth.

Your search found 22 result(s).

Communications Satellite, Oscar I Object Nephanalysis, Tiros Meteorological Satellite Object TIROS Meteorological Satellite Object Relay 1 Communications Satellite Object Model, Communications Satellite, Comstar Object Model, Communications Satellite, Tacsat Object Model, Communications Satellite, Marisat Object Sensor, Vidicon Tube, Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) Object Parabolic Antenna and Reflector Hub, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Model, Communications Satellite, INTELSAT VI Object Communications Satellite, Iridium Object Solar Cell Test Panel, Intelsat VI Object Echo Canceller, Ground Equipment, Communications Satellite Object Flat Plate Antenna, Ground Equipment, Direct Broadcast Satellite Object Cable, Fiber Optic, Undersea, Single Armor Object Satellite Phone, Iridium Object Communications Satellite, Mechanical Test Model, MicroSat Object Communications Satellite, SCORE Object Meteorological Satellite, Microwave Sounding Unit, Tiros N Object Radio, XM, Pioneer Object Satellite, Communications, Sirius FM-4 Object Spacecraft, Satellite, Intelsat II Object
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