Eyewitness to Space

In March 1962, Administrator of NASA James Webb suggested that artists be enlisted to document the historic effort to send the first human beings to the Moon.

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Saturn V Launch Object Oiling the Tracks of the Crawler Object Flame Pit Object Gordon L. Harris Object En Route Martin Marietta Object By the Vehicle Assembly Building Elevators Object Gordon and Conrad in Gemini Simulator Object Space Friends Object Space Push Object Dividing forms in space Object Space Rise Object Space Contact Object Test Stands of the Marshall Space Flight Center Object Men in Space Object Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Johnson Space Center Object Space Tumble Object ASTP Johnson Space Center Object Space Rise Object Johnson Space Center Side View of Docking Module Object Drawing, Pen and Ink, Watercolor on Paper Object Senator Barry Goldwater Waits Object People and the Media are Everywhere Object S 1 Booster, M.S.F.C. Object Le Meraviglie dell'Universo (The Marvels of the Universe) Object
Selected filters: Object Type: Paintings